Broccoli and Cauliflower
- 1st application in the first localised irrigation. Dose: 5L/Ha.
- 2nd foliar application:when the cluster (head) begins to form, which is usually a month after the 1st application (planting). This is when the plant needs nitrogen the most. Compatible with other products that can be applied at the same time. Dose: 3 L/Ha.
CORRIZ·AM® with BROTOMAX® is recommended via irrigation, in the first application.
Dose: 5 L/Ha.
- Greater root development and better ground setting
- Vigorous plants.
- Weight increase.
- Foliar application increases the size of the leaves, ensuring full coverage.
- Greater resistance to rot and neck diseases (Sclerotinia, Pythium…).
- Better storage preservation, obtaining more vigorous plants, resistant to bacterial soft rots and to aqueous softening caused by fungi.
An application of BROTOMAX®, in prolonged water logging due to heavy rains is recommended as it is compatible with copper and specific fungicides and so dramatically helps the recovery of surviving plants.
Dose: 3 L/Ha.
Once the stalk is formed, the application of QUASSAR® is recommended to prevent the formation of dew, thus better dryness and as a result prevents subsequent rot.
Dose: 0,15-0,25%.
The use of BIOHIDRAMAR® CREMA would boost plant protection products.
Foliar dose: 2 L/Ha
Need more information? Contact the Agrométodos technical department