Lanzadera® Calcio increases Linked Calcium in fruit crops

The Agrométodos deficiency corrector formulated with organic Hibrix® micromolecules

The firmness, quality and shelf life of fruits are essential parameters for marketing them. Because of this, it is well-known that calcium nutrition is essential for the proper development of the fruit due to the structural function of calcium, which provides the stability that plant tissues need to prevent problems prior to harvest (deformations, splitting, cracking, creasing, etc.), as well as after harvest (rot, russetting, loss of consistency, etc.). Linked Calcium is primarily responsible for the firmness of the fruit, and it is closely related to its shelf life.


Whilst fruits are developing, calcium forms three types of compounds: calcium phosphates, calcium oxalates and calcium pectates

Figure 1. Types of calcium in the plant cell.

Improve your crops with Lanzadera® Calcio

Lanzadera® Calcio is an efficient calcium deficiency corrector formulated with the technology of the organic Hibrix®micromolecules, which protect Ca2+ cations from unwanted reactions and allow plants to absorb them more directly.

Figure 2. Linked Calcium measured in commercial fruit crop by an independent laboratory at Agrométodos

– Foliar application, the chemical structure of Hibrix® micromolecules is similar to that of the molecules on the leaf surface, which means that the stabilised calcium is “launched” inside the plant

– Fertirrigation application, the organic Hibrix® micromolecules behave like the soil’s Change Complex (clay and humus particles) holding the calcium cations on the surface, which stops this nutrient from being lost through leaching.

The part of the calcium that attaches itself to the phospholipid phosphate groups in the cell membrane (calcium phosphates) is involved in regulating the absorption of solutes, and prevents the loss of these under conditions of stress. What is more, the calcium becomes insoluble in calcium oxalate form to be stored as a reserve in the vacuoles. Lastly, the calcium pectates that become attached to the cell walls represent the part that is given the name Linked Calcium, which has a structural function.


This part is primarily responsible for the firmness of the fruit, and it has been proven that it is closely related to the fruit’s shelf life, as well as its ability to mechanically resist pathogen attacks.


Nowadays, determining the concentration of Linked Calcium in fruits allows a more precise nutritional evaluation to be carried out, as compared to the classic diagnosis based on analysing total calcium.
Similarly, the Linked Calcium content of harvested fruits can be taken as a good indicator of proper calcium nutrition in crops, and it also serves to anticipate the post-harvest behaviour of harvested fruits (shelf life).


Our studies show how applying Lanzadera® Calcio, properly applied through the leaves at a dose of 300 cc/hl, or through fertirrigation at a dose of 3 l/ha, increases the concentration of Linked Calcium in the fruit of different crops (citrus, table grapes, fruit trees)



These results highlight the effectiveness of Lanzadera® Calcio, which thanks to being based on the exclusive organic Hibrix®, micromolecules, is able to facilitate the absorption and penetration of calcium ions into the plant until they are anchored as Linked Calcium in the cell walls of fruit crops.


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