Lanzadera® Green
Activador de la función clorofilíca.
LANZADERA® GREEN eis a product formulated with the unique Lanzadera® System, which protects cations from unwanted reactions. . It is especially recommended for effectively preventing or correcting iron, manganese and zinc deficiencies, as well as to meet the usual needs of these nutrients. It also boosts chlorophyll activation.
Product authorised for organic farming
Respects beneficial fauna.
No waste, no safety period.
Biodegradable product.
Particularly suited for crops in any of the certified production programmes (Integrated Production, GlobalGap, etc.)
R&D&I: key articles published on Lanzadera® Green
The importance of microelements in the vineyard
The contribution of micronutrients is essential to complete the vegetative cycle since its lack prevents the complete and normal development of the plant (criteria of essentiality of Arnon and Stout, 1939) causing deficiencies that affect very negatively the production of grapes and the quality of the wines they give. Generally,…
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