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Physiological fall of citrus fruits
In citrus crops, the evolution from flower to fruit depends on several factors: varietal or genetic, environmental (temperature, humidity, wind, rain, etc.) and physiological (nutrition, metabolism, hormonal balance, health status of the crop, etc.). The genetics of the variety and the environmental conditions cannot be altered in growing conditions, since in one way or another […]
Agrométodos Committed to the Community
Agrométodos, a company committed to the community, has sponsored the sporting/charity challenge Santiago de Compostela – Virgen de La Arrixaca Hospital (Murcia) on bike. Time stands still for no one and what is a momentous adventure today will be a memory forgotten tomorrow. We hope this isn’t the case for the epic journey that […]
EU warns of danger posed by land abandonment
A study published by the European Parliament warns of the “serious danger” in Europe of abandonment of land, which affects one of the main drivers of the economy and is causing the depopulation of the territory in rural areas. The study indicates that nearly 56 million hectares are at risk in Europe of being abandoned […]