Almond Tree

Application times, modes and doses

from swollen bud (phenological stage B) up to stage D.
from the beginning of flowering (E) to full flowering (F).
on newly set fruit (H), approximately 20-25 days after the 2nd application.
after harvest and before leaf fall.
Dose (foliar application): 300 cc/100 L (250 cc/100 L post-harvest) - Dose (irrigation application): 5 L/Ha.

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • The first application provides better sprouting, increasing the number of buds sprouted, and more uniform flowering.
  • The second application prepares the tree for a better fruit set. Helps the tree cover.
  • More uniform sizes.
  • Increases crop yield and the fruit’s fatty acid, antioxidant and essential aroma content.
  • Stimulates polyphenol production, making the tree more resistant to Phytophthora and other vascular wood disorders.
  • Recovery of healthy vegetation, with the tree becoming younger as more buds sprout at the base of the main branches.
  • The post-harvest treatment results in rapid healing of the micro-wounds produced during harvest. Flowering is also regulated in the subsequent vegetative cycle, resulting in increased formation of May flower clusters and mixed bunches.

Also apply

Form to request information about the application times of the products