Application times, modes and doses

from the beginning of sprouting (visible bud) to visible young leaves (15 cm shoot).
from 30 cm shoots to visible flower buds.
before harvest (approximately 45 days).
Dose (foliar application): 3 L/Ha (the first at 5 L/Ha) - Dose (irrigation application): 5 L/Ha (the first at 8 L/Ha).

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • More buds sprouted.
  • Ensures good stimulation of shoots. Good balance between vegetation (leaf area) and number of flowers, better tree cover.
  • Strengthens the tree’s self-defence mechanisms to overcome attack by Phytophthora spp.
  • Uniform fruit and more homogeneous ripening.
  • Better fruit skin quality, improving its consistency.
  • Increases fruit size. Uniform sizes.
  • Better conservation of the fruit.

Also apply

Form to request information about the application times of the products