Raspberry and Blackberry

Application times, modes and dose

PRIMOCANE (or remontant) plants: fruit the same year as planting, on top shoots.

at seedling size, after transplanting to encourage vegetative development.
before entering into production for flowering, fertilisation and fruit set.
in full production, for fruit swelling and uniformity.

Dose (foliar): 300 cc/100 L. – Dose (irrigation ): 5 L/Ha.

FLORICANE (or non-remontant) plants: bear fruit on buds from the previous year and must be put in cold storage.

at the beginning of sprouting, with 3 to 4 cm leaves.
before entering into production for flowering, fertilisation and fruit set.
in full production, for fruit swelling and uniformity.

Dose (foliar): 300 cc/100 L. – Dose (irrigation ): 5 L/Ha.

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • Increased polyphenol content and antioxidant potential in the plant, improving its vascular system.
  • Keeps the plant in optimal productive conditions throughout the season, preventing its decline.
  • Increased sprouting and vegetative development.
  • Increased fruit set, greater production.
  • Increased fruit quality.
  • Fruits with good sizes and colour.

Also apply

Form to request information about the application times of the products