Table Grapes

Application times, modes and doses

: from swollen bud (B2) to green tips(C).
Dose (foliar): 5 L/Ha.
from visible bunches (F) to separate flower buds (H).
Dose (foliar application): 3 L/Ha.
from pea-sized grain (K) to the beginning of veraison (M1). This application should be repeated after 7-10 days.
Dose (foliar application): 3 L/Ha.
Dose (irrigation application): 8 L/Ha.

Benefits and advantages of Brotomax®

  • More buds sprouted.
  • Uniform sprouting and flowering.
  • Improved fruit set on treated plants. Avoids flower drop (shatter).
  • Improved C/N ratio. Good balance between vigour and fruiting.
  • Uniform bunches and more homogeneous ripening.
  • Greater production and better average weight.
  • Significantly reduces the incidence of wood diseases.
  • Enhances the efficacy of specific fungicides acting against mildew when applied in a mixture with these fungicides.

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Form to request information about the application times of the products