Raspberry and Blackberry
PRIMOCANE (or climbing):
Bears fruit in the same year of plantation on tip buds.
- 1st application: at seedling size, after transplanting in order to promote vegetative development.
- 2nd application: at seedling size, after transplanting in order to promote vegetative development.
- 3rd application: in full production, as regards the fattening and homogeneity of the fruits.
FLORICANE (or non-climbing):
bears fruit on the shoots, needing to pass through a cold chamber.
- 1st application: at the onset of budding, with 3 to 4cm leaves.
- 2nd application: before beginning production as regards flowering, fertilisation and fruit set.
- 3rd application: in full production, as regards the fattening and homogeneity of the fruits.
Dose: foliar application: 0,25% (2,5 L/1000 L)
Dose irrigation application: 5 L/Ha.
- Increase in the plant’s polyphenol content and its antioxidant potential, improving its vascular system.
- Keeps the plant in optimal productive conditions throughout the season, thus preventing decline.
- Increases budding and vegetative development.
- Boosts fruit setting, higher production.
- Increase in fruit quality.
- Improves fruit size and colour.
At the beginning of plantation an application of CORRIZ·AM®. is advisable to obtain more proliferation of absorbent hairs and a greater root mass, meaning the plants will have firm ground grip and thus be prepaid to overcome periods of stress caused by biotic and abiotic agents.
(Soil) dose 5 L/Ha.
A foliar application of LANZADERA®3 is recommended to effectively prevent or correct deficiencies of Zinc, Manganese and Magnesium.
Dose: 0,2 – 0,3% (2-3 L/1000L).
We recommend using QUASSSAR® to improve efficiency of phytosanitary and nutritional treatments, because of its high surfactant, adherent and penetrating power.
Dose (foliar application): 0,3 % (3 L / 1000 L).
It is recommended to carry out applications of BIOHIDRAMAR® CREMA with the aim of achieving better crop development, homogenization of flower setting and fattening, as well as a helping to overcome times of stress.
foliar application: 0,25% (2,5 L/1000 L) or
Irrigation application: 2,5 L/Ha.
Need more information? Contact the Agrométodos technical department