Due to its versatility, BROTOMAX® can be applied at practically any time of the cultivation cycle. Especially recommended at the following times:
- Appearance of the first leaves.
- Within the process of crown thickening and the appearance of the first clusters.
- During maturation of the first cluster and the setting of the second
- Between the maturation of the third cluster and the setting of the fourth.
- Foliar: 0,3% (3 L/1000 litres of water).
- Localized irrigation: 3 L/Ha.
In the case of crop stress due to weather agents (heat, cold, rain, …) foliar application is advisable at a dose of 2-2,5 L/Ha.
- 1st application via drip irrigation: when plant tillering begins (May). Dose: 3 L/Ha.
- 2nd application via drip irrigation: during the month of August. Dose: 3 L/Ha.
The goal of the 2nd application is to strengthen vascular disease resistance to vascular diseases
- PRECOCITY: Speeds up the thickening of crowns and onset of the first clusters.
- QUALITY: Good fruit setting (without deformities), boosts size, and colour.
- PRODUCTION: Balance of vegetative development between air and radicular parts. Prevents the decay of the plant after the first harvest. Keeps the plant in optimal productive conditions throughout the season.
- HEALTH: Increases the polyphenol content in the plant, thus increasing the plant’s capacity to defend itself against vascular diseases and in doing so boosting its antioxidant strength.
Apply BIOHIDRAMAR® CUAJE at the time of floral differentiation, in order to obtain an optimum setting of fruit.
Dose: 0,1% (1 L/1000 L).
To improve the effectiveness of phytosanitary and nutritional treatments, mixing with QUASSAR® is recommended because of its high surfactant, adherent and penetrating power
Dose (foliar application):0,2 – 0,25%.
Need more information? Contact the Agrométodos technical department